Do you come across clients who don’t feel the need to change their substance use, despite experiencing health, social, financial or legal harms?
Are you unsure of what to say, or frustrated with their ‘yes……but…’ type of responses?
ould you like to learn how to effectively manage resistant and challenging behaviour, to finally be able to engage in a discussion with your client about their substance use that will help them cut down or stop using?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then we have the course for you. In this program, we will dissect topics such as resistance vs. denial, motivation to change, stages of change, and strategies for good clinical practice. After this program you will have learnt how to assist clients who are resistant to change, and how to encourage them to cut-down or stop using.
The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) is a complete substance screening tool. Importantly, the ASSIST accompanied by a brief intervention which has been designed to be tailored to the client. While the ASSIST provides an excellent framework for engaging clients in discussions about reducing or stopping their harmful substance use, sometimes clients can be ambivalent towards, or completely uninterested in change. Sound familiar?
This training course will be delivered across four, 90-minute Zoom sessions. Training is free – register today via Eventbrite.
Training Schedule:
July 8 – Is it resistance or denial? (90 mins)
July 15 – What drives motivation? (90 mins)
July 22 – Stage of change? (90 mins)
July 29 – Strategies for good clinical practice (90 mins)
Please note: This course takes place every Thursday for four weeks. Each session will run for 90 minutes. You need only REGISTER ONCE, but you MUST ATTEND ALL FOUR Zoom training sessions to receive a certificate of completion.